Merlyn The Wizard Dog

Merlyn The Wizard Dog

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Puppy Pranks

Now that Mo is settling in, I am starting to see little glimpses of my puppy self in her and can only ask, "What were The Nice People thinking?!?!?!"  Although I was six months old when I came to live with them, I still had plenty of puppy power in me to give their patience a run for their money.  Let's take a walkie down memory lane....

I happen to have a cute mouth with a slight underbite that gives me the appearance of smiling when I look at you.  My mouth is full of healthy pearly whites that I have honed to perfect sharpness through countless hours of chewing.  On everything.  I mean EVERYTHING.  Examples, you say?  How about shoes, shoestrings, The Nice Man's jacket (hung on a chair), Sam's Celtic shirt (left on the couch), a dining room chair (the lattice back of it, not the legs), the wooden ironing board cabinet (even after repainting), kitchen cabinets (originals and their replacements), wall trim, and last, but not least, The Nice Lady's newly refinished 1920's wicker rocking chair (this one was almost the end of my stay with The Nice People).  Luckily, The Nice Man is an incredibly good tantrum thrower the likes of which have never been seen before or since.  It was after that incident that I realized that all of those items put together didn't taste so wonderful that it would be worth losing my place in The Nice Family, so I changed my chewing ways.  

Now I restrict my chewing to The Nice Man's ABC gum (when he leaves it for me to find in the yard), rawhides or flossies, food (including the occasional ice cream cone), and treats (preferably the soft chewy kind).

As I hear The Nice People say for the umpteenth time "No Bite, Mo!" I find myself hoping that she catches on quickly that they are not chewtoys and neither are their nice things.  I might have to have a muzzle to muzzle chat with her the next time I see her proudly carrying The Nice Lady's flip flop through the living room.  Big brothers gotta look out for their little sisters, don't they?  Here's hoping that your Nice People surprise you with a yummy flossie as a reward for good chewing behavior real soon.


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